For years, I had my own Energy Healing business, practising and/or teaching: Anatomy & Physiology for Holistic Healers, Aromatherapy, Business for Holistic Healers, Certified Holistic Energy Practitioner (CHEP certification), Chakras & Ch’i, Crystal & Colour healing, Emotional
Freedom Technique (EFT), Feng Shui, Herbalism, Hold Point Therapy, Meditation, Natural Perfumery, Shamanic Drumming & Journeying, Theta Healing, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks, and Usui Reiki.

I hadn’t had any students for eighteen months, so I officially retired on 18July18.
Then I dismantled my website (which was a bittersweet process) and transformed that site to be about writing and my books. I copied and pasted each page of my website into a Word.docx and there were 277 pages and 73,544 words. That’s a dang book just
from my website content. LOL

I was skilled at that vocation. There was something about my website and healing room that attracted people from all over the world for healing and learning. They came from: the Cayman Islands, Barbados, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Tobago, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Italy, South Africa, Russia, Great Britain, Mexico, South America, Saudi Arabia, all over the US, and right across Canada, indeed up to the Arctic Ocean. I was blessed with the best students and
clients I could ever have hoped for, and it was a blast. I’m very grateful I had the opportunity to be in service for so long.

I was slowing down and wanted to try my hand at being a fulltime author/artist. To that end, I started by turning all of those teaching manuals into .pdf books and offering them at a reasonable price.  

This is how that happened:

How these PDF Manuals came to be

I announced my retirement after 45 years in the field of energy healing on 18July18. By the end of September, seven of the people I’d trained to Reiki Master/Teacher got in touch with me. Their question was – what’s going to happen to all that knowledge and wisdom in your noggin? One of them said it felt like a library was being torn down and all the books tossed out.

I had tea and brainstormed with each of them and with my sister, Valerie, and by 8Oct18, I began making PDF books from the manuals and recording PODCASTS to go along with these books. The podcasts have now been transferred to my Vocalizing page.

These were courses I’d created and taught over several decades. In order for them to become PDF books, I had to take out some of the instructional parts ie: submit your project report to me; begin doing your ten case studies now, and submit to me; decide when you want to write your exam so that I can send it to your proctor; and where shall I send your certificate?

This is what I’ve done so far.

These PDF books aren’t just ‘a little light reading’. They are training manuals in the art of various modes of energy healing that I taught. Some even have an exam, so that you can test yourself on your knowledge and experience. I always advise doing at least ten case studies ie: tell the person you’re in learning mode and won’t be charging for the session/s and in exchange, ask them to make a comment on the session so that you can learn from them and use that comment in your marketing material.

I’d created twenty-nine courses over the years. All of the topic data that was in the student’s manuals is accounted for. The only thing missing is me—the teacher.

I taught these courses by correspondence to all types of people. The two things that students consistently commented on were my organizational qualities and my attention to detail. They also told me I was a kind and compassionate teacher, but that won’t matter to you, in this case. 🙂


Meditation & Intentions bundle includes these four titles for

A Living Meditation 63 pages

A journey into peace and spiritual development. Learn how to relax and rejuvenate through breathing, meditation, and creative visualization. Come to a better understanding of your true life-path. Become more self-aware and gain knowledge of your inner workings. Empower yourself to become more of who you were meant to be. 

Relax~Release~Renew Meditation 45 pages

Discover the use of breath for different situations. Learn about mental focus, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. Find out how you can be comfortable meditating on the sky train, bus, and ferry, in shopping malls, grocery stores, and bank line-ups. A traffic jam or red lights won’t bother you anymore, because you’ll know how to breathe your way through them.

I have instituted a few policies in my life – every time I hear any form of the word ‘breathe’ or ‘air’, I breathe deeply a few times. Every time someone mentions anything at all about ‘water’, I drink at least three good swallows. And so on… What could you do for yourself?

Create the Life You Really Want Booklet 30 pages

Going within to find your way out. Diving Deep. Learning to use intentions, affirmations, and intuitive questioning to get to the bottom of your core beliefs, so you can see what they might be doing to you, and how they are affecting your life. Make your own choices about how you want to live, and what you want to believe. Creating intention and stilling the mind techniques are invaluable. One hundred and eleven intentions are included to help you get started on your journey. Though it seems like a small volume, it packs a punch in order to dig you out of the hole and assist you in going down a different path.

Unleash Your Hidden Potential Booklet 33 pages

The purpose of this booklet is to help people unlock their hidden potential, and create a life full of purpose, passion, and peace. By working this simple program, we can get over that which is dragging us down, work towards eliminating stress, thereby increasing the joy, love, and peace in our life. Learn how to step through our inner rationalizations and the stories we tell ourselves for why we either can or can’t do what we know would send us down a good path. We hold a lot of energy in our taut muscles. That makes it difficult to move both literally and figuratively. Instituting a Body Break into our daily lives. Energy testing helps us to see where we might need to be a bit more honest with ourselves. How self-limiting belief systems hold us back, and what we can do about that. I’ve included the UnPlug Meditation, which I created for myself quite a number of years ago.

A New Freedom – Meridian Technologies $34.00 49 pages

This is an organic, powerful combination of Hold Point Therapy, Energy Testing, Intuitive Querying, Reframing and Anchoring, Huna Healing, and overturning Self-Limiting Beliefs with the use of Intentional Phrasing. Aspects include—dependencies, addictions, fears, phobias, issues of the heart, pain, fatigue, grief, sorrow, regret, remorse, feelings of entitlement, anger issues, feelings of shame, and eating disorders.

Hold Point Therapy could be useful for—adult children of abusive and/or alcoholic situations; Ambulance workers; Any caregivers of any kind; Any kind of survivor; Anyone who is involved in an accident; Bereaved people; Crises-line workers; Disabled/special needs caregivers; Disabled/special needs people; Firemen; Paramedics; Perpetrators; Police; Prisoners; People going into shock; People who have a fear or phobia; Victims; and Witnesses.

It can be done standing, seated, or resting on your side. It was created for people with ALS, arthritis, MS, Fibromyalgia, or the like. Even if you’re completely exhausted and in horrible pain, you can do this. 

You could try it on: Creative blocks; 3 o’clock slump; When you don’t want to do something, but you really need to; The first time you try anything; To change your perspective about tedious tasks, or An annoying family member or friend, workmate, or client; Before going to the dentist or before going to exams.

Crystals & Colour Healing $34.00  69 pages

If you read and study this PDF book, you will be able to select crystals for healing, perform basic crystal layouts, balance and align the Chakras, and cleanse the aura. Your use of crystals for meditation and dreamwork will also be enhanced, as will your sensitivity for crystal and colour healing energy. Learn to work with the Infinity Symbol. Create gem elixirs. How does one detect
the auric field with the palm of their hand? What are the Nadi and how do we work with them? Self-healing with crystals.

Chakras and Ch’i In and Around Me $34.00 115 pages

An in-depth study on learning how to live a conscious life by managing your subtle energy system. 

There are seven Major Chakras. There are five Transpersonal Chakras. Each joint in the body has a Chakra, as well, and they are called Minor Chakras, for a total of one hundred and twenty Chakras. There are numerous others connected throughout our four light (Ch’i) bodies—etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

This book teaches about the basic twelve Chakras, our Ch’i, how to do specific exercises to heal and strengthen our energy system, how to help others, some breathing and meditation techniques, and how to effectively harmonize with other energy systems (relationship Chakras).

Be Joyful in Sound & Light $34.00 85 pages

Shifting energy through musical mechanics. This is a four-part book on how to create and conduct Sacred Sound & Light Sessions. We are using transforming energies to establish or restore the client’s harmony. We are allaying disharmonious vibrations. Sound & Light sessions are used for relaxation and take us deep into alpha and even theta states where healing can occur.

Included are written instructions on how to work with many of the sound healing instruments, such as the crystal bowl, metal singing bowls, tuning forks, tingshas, ganta and dorje, drums, rattles, and an amazing variety of energy healing techniques. ie: scanning, combing, use of symbols for healing, energy testing, breathwork, grounding, creating sacred space, and storytelling.

Heartbeat of the Earth $34.00 55 pages


In this PDF book on Neoshamanism, you’ll learn about smudging, working with the directions, the journey for a power animal and spirit guide, the use of rattles, chanting, creating an archetypal animal wheel and other similar topics. 

This study is not about becoming a Shaman, per se. That is a title that your village will give you by their thoughts, words, and deeds. This is because you will have become someone that people go to when they need any kind of assistance with life’s ups and downs. It’s about becoming a more attentive child of Earth.

It does not borrow techniques from any one group, but rather utilizes the core aspects common to all groups worldwide down through history; it is cross-cultural. It does not interfere with any particular way of being or believing or religious concepts and can be embraced as one way to live in harmony while honouring the spiritual path of your choosing.

Healing Tree Techniques $34.00 134 pages


Energy is the key to happy living. Have you got all of yours? Or has it been parcelled out before you even get your feet on the floor in the morning?

Learn how to stay in your own energy. Find out how to send out the surplus to those in need. Discover your energy-self. Learn about: Contacting your Spiritual Helpers, Psychic Scanning, Intuitive Querying, Excavating an Issue, Belief Work, Unknown Feelings, Energy Testing, Unplugging, Re-languaging, Readings, Healing, Grounding, and how to use the Silver Shower method.

Coeur d’Esprit Natural Perfumery ~ a Path to the Heart of Spirit $89.00 312 pages


This is a PDF of Levels I and II of the globally popular courses Coeur D’Esprit Natural Perfume and Pyramid of Natural Olfactory Pleasures for beginners to advanced natural perfumers. This volume covers everything you need to know about creating perfume safely in alcohol, crème, oil, and wax bases. (They were a total of $750.00)

Topics include—notes, fragrance families, formulation, safety, distillation process, tinctures, infusions, and macerations, perfume pyramid, advanced sniffing techniques, fixation, themed alcohol creation, lots of charts, marketing, how to do a perfume consultation, multiple formulae, natural isolates, several experiments to do, synthetic molecules, and everything in between. An exam to test yourself is included.

All of these books are rich with coloured photos, charts, and diagrams and would cost me a fortune to publish through Amazon, which is why I chose to go this route so that you could get the whole effect of these beautiful colourful manuals.

 Ordering made easy: Since these books are sold exclusively through me, I’ve kept it simple. Please email with your selection, so I can get it queued up. Send an e-money transfer through my email, and I will email you the PDF book. 

Here is the link for ‘Send to Kindle‘, in case you’d like to read it on your device as an eBook:

Love Lyn

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