Peace Project – a collection of artistic fractals and my vocal of Dona Nobis Pachem (Let There Be Peace)

New “Murder in River’s Bend” video

I’m happy to report that Winona and I will be meeting for coffee on Tuesday so I can give her the Cineplex Gift Certificate.

Nona won the first game. She found 31 words within the word ‘napoleons’. The word napoleons was in my first reading of chapter 8.

Linda won the second game with 29. The word in the second reading (chapter 14) was ‘complications’. Unfortunately, the second reading and game were missed.

Nona won the third game (the reading was from chapter 16) with 10 smaller words from the word ‘detectives’. Adding her score of 12 from game two, she had an overall score of 53. Way to go, Winona Kent.

Love Lyn

My book launch for “Waking Up to the Life Left in Me” is happening Feb 12, 2022 at 4 PM on zoom. If you would like an invitation, please let me know with your email address.

Here’s the teaser:

Murder on Belcut Mountain

My book launch for Murder on Belcut Mountain was yesterday afternoon. I did three 5-minute readings. Here are the links. I hope you enjoy these little bites. Love Lyn

At the moment, I’m just finishing up my first murder mystery called, Murder on Belcut Mountain. My writers’ group had a social on Saturday, and we were all recorded reading our romantic stories. Mine is an excerpt from that mystery. This short chapter is called Rhythms of Love.

Romance in Crime Fiction?

(4) Facebook

Going Pro

(4) Facebook

Poetry Reading 8June2021
I’m at time stamp 26:10

It’s in the Ayre
Made Whole Podcasts are companions to the book, Fragments of a Shattered Soul Made Whole, which is my memoir. There were many things that happened to me in my life. I used meditation, energy healing, Chakra work, tapping/holding, and other spiritual practices to deal with the consequences that occurred as a result of those assaults on my psyche and on my physical body.  
My energy healing PDF books (gleaned from the 29 courses I taught and practiced on the subject), the blogs posts I do regularly, and my meditation recordings are the Made Whole part of my memoir. I have a gentle philosophy on life, death, illness, and LOVE to share with you all through these avenues.
I am Made Whole pens
These are at-home vocal recordings of a song, and a few of the hundreds of meditations I’ve written over the last 45 years. Forgive the quality. You may need to adjust the volume up or down, as the equipment I’ve used to record them over the last 25 years has changed considerably. Enjoy.
Of course, I always love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to email me
There are also meditations on my YouTube channel. You can copy/paste this link:
Love Lyn
8June2021 Poetry Reading

There is a video of tonight’s reading posted there. Facebook Time Post for me is 26:10. Thanks for having a look.
Love Lyn

Video of Norm, my late husband, playing the didgeridoo on our final trip to the coast, 23Sep15, at Beverly Beach, Newport, OR

This short video will bring to life one of the romantic scenes between Susan Miller and George O’Donnell in my book, “Murder on Belcut Mountain”.

I was elated to be asked to be a guest on New View Poetry Show with Karen Hein. My segments were recorded via zoom as I wasn’t able to attend in person. I’ve made a note of the time stamp for each of my portions. But, you should watch the whole show as it’s really wonderful. It takes a while to load on Teams and you can join as anonymous. The show actually begins at time stamp 7:20. Love Lyn  

(copy and paste this link)

My poetry portions:

10:01 I looked out the front window in the autumn and each plant and tree was sparkling with dew as the sun’s light pointed in exactly the right direction. So, I wrote:

Seasonal Jewels

many twinkling diamonds

hanging on a branch

wind tickles gently

causing them to dance

pokey spiky fractals

repeating in the air

chickadee a’ chirping

all without a care

autumn’s right upon us

thundering with the sound

leaves are turning colour

dropping to the ground

cold and frosty mornings

complete with ruddy dawn

icicles from rooftops

slippery on the lawn

ozone smells tell me

snow is coming soon

songs of joyful carols

whistling happy tunes

all is as it should be

in the world today

seasons’ cycles pass by

inviting us to play

play within each moment

notice what’s around

never let the weather

ever get you down

14:05 I’ve written several poems about weather. One day, I looked across the street to monitor the river. It was raining so hard that the drops were jumping a foot back up from the street.


Some people look out and see RAIN

Some look out and see little diamonds

Each drop full of rare opportunities

Each one plump with individual goodness

Each pool waiting for kid-sized galoshes

Some people look out and see WIND

Some look out and see chances for change

Each puff full of promise

Each breeze pushing us onward

Each gale cleansing us inward

Some people look out and see SNOW

Some look out and see light

Each flake full of unique diversity

Each ball full of joy and playfulness

Each snowman a wonderful creation

Some people look out and see SUN

Some look out and see health

Each beam a plant to nourish us

Each flare illuminating our inner glory

Each ray a blessing on us all

Some people look out and see FOG

Some look out and see peace

Each step we take revealed at our own pace

Each blanket covers that which we don’t need

Each foghorn brings us safely home

17:50 I was at a lake sitting on a bench when a couple of gorgeous swans with babies swam by. They were in and out of the water. Such a lovely family. They inspired me to write:  

Turned to Home

swans happy

to sit on

the glassy

surface of

the water

floating on


still    liquid


soulful cry

cygnets    five

running quick

parents cry



white  black  orange


heart-shape make

ripples drift

turned to home

21:58 I read that Betty White passed away, and I was flooded with emotion. I couldn’t get the words down fast enough. She meant so much to me. I grew up watching her in many shows and always loved her characters. I appreciated what she stood for in her own life, too. This one’s for Betty.

Betty White—a poem for

Who doesn’t know this glorious face

full of joy and blessed with grace

Her talent oozes from her spirit

We watch with interest   we want to hear it

She lives on and on and on

never ageing   such aplomb

Almost a century she attained

health was with her   until life changed

Death will always take its due

we’ll never escape the final blues

But this gal showed us how to live

and helped us see   how to give

She exuded life’s elixir

she knew happiness would always fix her

And so she passed it on to all

We’ll miss you, Betty, but have a ball

On your journey to the other side

we let you go   so filled with pride

What you did here was just phenomenal

an amazing person and quite exceptional

Thank you for all you gave to us

You’ll find your way   in that we trust

Your true love there awaits   adores

This life is over   but there is more

25:15-35:15 Interview with Karen Hein

  1. Tell us about yourself.

    I’ve been writing for 62 years about everything and anything. I write in multiple genres: fiction, non-fiction, childrens books, cookbook, technical writing, inspirational writing, and my first love, poetry. I’ve written 50 books, self-published them and sold them myself as PDFs.

    My memoir, “Fragments of a Shattered Soul Made Whole” [hold up the cover] was published in 2018. That book took me on a journey that connected my childhood to who I am today.

    I love life and find people fascinating. I live a very rich interior life of dreams, symbols, conversations, and imaginings, and all of that informs the writing I do. The experiences I’ve had in life have gone into creating the writing I do. I think that’s what has kept me sane and sound.

    Last year, I completed six years of work on my first Romantic Suspense novel called, “Murder on Belcut Mountain”, [hold up the cover]. It’s the first of six books in the series. Over the last five years, I wrote another book of poetry and essays, which will be published in February. “Waking Up to the Life Left in Me” [hold up the cover]. Plus, I’m putting together an inspirational book called, “A Month of Fractal Bliss” [hold up the cover].

2. When did you start writing and being creative and what type of writing did you do?

I was eight and it was something I did often, so my dad bought me a box of pencils and a thick scribbler. I have no idea where that got to as we moved around so much. My first poem was about my dad, but I don’t remember how it went. Likely, it was very rudimentary.

I write in many genres. Poetry is my first love. There is not a week that goes by that I’m not working on a poem. Many of them don’t do any more than get written, titled, and filed. A few make it into the books I write.

3. Have you taken any special courses or training in writing? Any plans to?

I took some courses in writing and publishing at SFU about twenty years ago. I’ve taken many smaller courses on specific things ie: writing romance, writing a murder mystery, how to write a novel, creating a book design, writing a useful outline, and many others. I plan to continue to grow as a writer by taking more courses.

4. Do you have anything published?

All of my work is self-published as PDFs. A few are through hybrid publishing: my memoir— “Fragments of a Shattered Soul Made Whole” [hold up book] was published through a hybrid company (I won’t say who as I can’t recommend them), and “Murder on Belcut Mountain” [hold up book] my first Romantic Suspense was published through a dear friend who does it on KDP and only for friends.

5. Do you read/write poetry for pleasure? Any favourite authors?

I usually read romance novels. That being said, I enjoy reading poems by Rumi, Maya Angelou, and Robert Frost. I find Rumi gets to the heart of the matter; Maya is wonderful, graphic, and heartfelt; and Robert Frost sparks my imagination. I loved your book, “Still Ripples”.

6. Do you get as much time as you like for writing?

The short answer is NO. I have several health issues so I’m low on energy and, since my husband passed away, I’ve taken on all of the chores. My time and energy are pulled in various other directions. That being said, I’m still writing as much as I can every day. I’m sure that if someone were looking after the chores and if I were in good health, writing would be much simpler and marketing would be productive. Marketing is where the real work is.

7. What inspires and motivates your passion to read or write poetry?

Life is fascinating to me. Simple things like raindrops on bare tree branches cause a swirl of imagination in my brain. Anything is subject to poetry. The death of my mother, my husband, my sisters brought on numerous poems falling from my pen. The weather, the sky, the water, people—it all inspires me in some way. And, often I write about it.

8. What is your process of writing? Is the poem ever finished?

An idea sparks in me and I write it down as fast as I can. Then I begin working with it. As it goes along, I may see a specific direction that pulls me.  I might want it more structured, so I’ll begin bending the words to the rhythm, or to the rhyme. I consult the thesaurus constantly, seeking just the right word. At some point, I know it’s complete and I feel happy. It is then filed for future use.

9. Do you have a motto or personal insight to share?

My favourite saying is of Chinese origins, but the author is unknown, “The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.” That puts it in a nutshell. Many people have told me I couldn’t or shouldn’t do something; I’d never amount to anything; I’m not smart enough. I’m not brave enough. But because it was in my heart to do it, I did. And I’ve kept on doing it. My motto is: Keep Going.

10. What’s your favourite colour/food?

I love all colours as they each nourish my spirit and feed my soul in some way. As far as clothing, I usually wear sparkly jewel tones: ruby, emerald, sapphire, and gold. As far as food, I need to stay away from many items as I’m allergic or sensitive to them. I love cooking for myself. I’m an omnivore.

11. Any written works you would like to share?

There are a few authors I always recommend for novel reading: Robyn Carr, Louise Penny, and Deborah Garner. They are all wonderful, creative, richly descriptive writers with many publications, so you can get a good dose of them.

43:03 We were asked to write a poem about the sun and the moon. Here are my two.


My mood changes with the tides

But I won’t be left high and dry

I’ll wander through emotions til

My thoughts and heart become still

Dear Luna helps to wash each month

With tears of sorrow, joy and stuff

And lets me bow my head and say

I’m happy with my life today.

44:37  Ole Sol

would we know

just where we are?

We need the light

The warmth   the care

The rays beat down

and wrap us all

in envelopes

big and small

A warming hug

for all and sunder

and we give thanks

for the Love we’re under

47:19 We were asked to have an extra poem ready. Here’s mine called Cycles from 1991.


troughs created, breaking foam

miles of sand that oceans roam

all that was here, is here, how

changing matter, then to now

and now to then and back again

recycled into this and that

there’s nothing new in heav’n on earth

it’s all that is from death to birth

and up and down and out and in

through cycles many, end, begin

in crashing surf and seagulls fly,

there’s no such thing as live or die

it all is here    it’s never gone

it separates, then comes to one

the same and changing, ever be.

from past to present     eternity

If you would like to be a guest on the show, please contact Karen Hein at:

Karen Hein Poetry – Poetry (

She also teaches a poetry course

Contact – Karen Hein Poetry (